Individual Sponsorship Package Levels:
Individual Benefactors
Lignum Vitae - $10,000 +
Yellow Elder - $8,000 - $9,999
Bougainvillea - $5,000 - $7,999
Poinciana - $2,000 - $4,999
Hibiscus - $500 - $1,999
Like our corporate sponsorships, individual donors also build goodwill with the local community where the park is being built while, at the same time, demonstrating an individual level of commitment to building community. Individual sponsors will receive recognition and thank you gifts commensurate with their level of fundraising.
All levels of Individual Sponsorship receive
Name recognition our social media (if desired)
A special thank you letter from BAP Chairman
Invitation to and reserved seating at The B-A-P Park openings and other B-A-P exclusive events
A special commemorative pin linked to their level of giving
Lignum Vitae and Yellow Elder Benefactors will be recognized on our website, social media plat
Forms, and in our B-A-P coffee table magazine
Lignum Vitae Benefactors will receive an invitation for two to the Patron’s special reception